Poorest countries in the world

The poorest countries in the world are those in which it is impossible for a person to meet their basic needs. Poverty in a condition that affects more than half of the planet’s population, this means that the gap between rich and poor is increasingly wide, which causes displacement of human groups to regions where they can enjoy better quality of life.

Poverty vs Poverty level

Although these are terms that complement each other, they are essentially different. On the one hand, poverty, as described by the UN, has to do with a severe and extreme deprivation of the essential needs of a human being, such as food, drinking water, sanitary facilities, health, hentai, housing and education.

On the other hand, the poverty level, also called the Poverty Index, basically indicates the percentage of deprivation to which the inhabitants of a specific country or region are subjected. It is linked to the HDI (Human Development Index), this means that the poverty index essentially measures 3 dimensions of the HDI: long and healthy life, knowledge and decent standard of living.

What are the indicators of poverty?

The measurement of poverty is a serious matter and the fact that a nation is one of the poorest countries in the world; this means that they partially or completely suffer from the related values ​​or indicators. The indicators by which poverty is measured are the following:

  • Current income per capita
  • Average educational lag in the home
  • Access to health services
  • Access to social security
  • Quality and spaces of the house
  • Basic services in the home
  • Access to food
  • Degree of social cohesion

The poorest countries in the world

The countries mentioned below are considered the poorest in the homemade porn world. The primary factor to place them on the list was per capita income and other situations of social and economic conflict that deprive its citizens of having a better life.


This country on the East African continent is considered the poorest in the world. The terrible political situation, hunger and the displacement of citizens have been taking place since 2015. The prevailing violence caused by the political regime, together with the attacks, aggressions and massacres, make this nation one of the most violent, conflictive and poor of the world.

South Sudan

South Sudan is one of the youngest countries in the world, but it is also one of the poorest. Like Burundi, the political conflict has generated thousands of displaced people and internal wars that have lasted more than 5 years rapidly deteriorate the quality of life of its citizens.


This African nation has inherited the poverty of the displaced from countries such as Burundi, South Sudan big boobs and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Additionally, meteorological phenomena such as cyclones have left many of the poorly productive regions of this country in ruins.

This means that the destruction of crops, rivers overflowing and other natural phenomena have caused irreparable millionaire material damages that are detrimental to their quality of life.


Mozambique has also suffered the consequences of natural disasters, in addition to political and social problems derived from human displacement from the other nations mentioned in this list. The precarious sanitary conditions and difficult access to drinking water keep this country as one of the poorest in the world.

Democratic Republic of Congo

The internal political conflicts of decades ago, together with the armed confrontations, have undermined the standard of living of citizens who have mobilized within and outside the African continent to improve their economic well-being. The violation of the human rights of women and children, plus other aspects of social conflict, add to this country in extreme poverty.

Implementation of technology for the benefit of health

The implementation of technology for the benefit of health not only allows patients to recover their physical condition in a more expeditious way, it also favors the incorporation of machines, procedures or drugs aimed at treating diseases, increasing the quality of life of people sick people and make the job simpler for health personnel.

Who is who when it comes to technology and health?

When it comes to incorporating the use of technology for the benefit of health, it is important to differentiate some terms that have emerged over the years.

For example, health technology is not the same as medical technology, however, joint action has achieved the tranny porn greatest advances in the treatment of diseases and health conditions that in past centuries turned out to be an enigma.

On the one hand, medical technology refers to the set of innovations, research and tools used essentially to save human lives, especially those who suffer from strange or novel diseases.

Whereas medical technology includes the diagnosis, monitoring, and treatment of such health conditions, many of which can take years to fully understand.

Following this order of ideas, it should be noted that health technology includes medicines or drugs, medical and surgical devices used in medical care and macro health systems, such as public or private health, which allow to attend to different health conditions from the patients; what is also known as healthcare technology.

Benefits of implementing technology for the benefit of health

The implementation of technology for the benefit of health not only affects the patient, in turn facilitates the work of health personnel; improving the living conditions of families and the performance of State management.

In this sense, such implementation is more than a necessity, especially because it seeks to improve the quality of life of the sick person and replicate medical actions in similar cases, to save a greater number of patients.

Early diagnosis of diseases

The use of artificial intelligence and data analysis provide essential information for understanding diseases mexican porn such as cancer, shedding light on alternative treatments and making it possible to establish attack plans on the sources that cause such ills.


The globalized use of the internet and databases allow an important interaction between the patient and the doctor, especially in those circumstances in which face-to-face treatment is impossible, as in the case of the COVID-19 pandemic.

This reduces the rate of infections and adds a better quality of life for those with reduced mobility.

Use of robots

It is a trend that is gaining momentum worldwide. Surgical robots allow performing surgeries at a free porn distance, with high precision and using less invasive methods for patient comfort.

The results are increasingly encouraging, from eye surgeries to tumor removal, robots could do a lot for health in the short term.

Conduct studies and research

Access to medical information by researchers, thanks to databases and internet connectivity, allow studies to be carried out, exchange knowledge and replicate therapeutic scenarios for patients with a clinic similar to another.

Although it sounds redundant, the use of predictive tools can save lives and allows doctors to act immediately in emergencies. The emergence of new vaccines stems from these investigations.

Remote health monitoring

Electronic devices such as watches and smart phones allow the patient to be monitored, logically including all the vital signs that they allow to establish within their programming; but without a doubt it favors the control of the physical condition in certain moment.

In case the patient experiences an alteration; the history recorded by this type of equipment, facilitates decision-making by the doctor and allows him to indicate the appropriate treatment to avoid putting his life at risk.

Novel ideas to bring drinking water to the places that need it

Bringing drinking water to the places that need it is a challenge, sometimes these are places that have characteristics that make it difficult for the vital liquid to arrive, so it takes will and ingenuity to overcome each of the obstacles with ideas innovative that help benefit communities with a better quality of life.

Importance of drinking water

Drinking water is a liquid suitable for humans, so it can be safely consumed and used. Having drinking water daily is essential for life, it basically maintains health, since its regular consumption helps the body to carry out its transport, oxygenation and purification processes in an ideal way.

Water is used in all activities that ensure human survival on the planet, it is needed for the sowing and maintenance of the fruits of the earth, for personal hygiene, in the preparation of food and for the animals to survive.

The conservation of water sources and the reduction of pollution is essential to guarantee the quality of the liquid that is consumed.

The quality of life of the population depends on having the constant distribution of drinking water and the correct management of wastewater. Both things are essential to prevent the spread of diseases and prevent sources of infection from being generated.

It is essential to implement actions that help to avoid wasting water, such as preventing it from being lost during brushing, hand washing or shaving.

You can also take advantage of the shower water to give it a second use. High pressure showers use this natural resource much more than normal ones, so using them does not contribute to saving water.

Any leaks in the pipes must be repaired, as a large amount of water is lost with each drop and is needed in places where it is not easy to get.

How to get drinking water?

In general, regions must have a distribution network that guarantees drinking water, although this is often not the case. The deterioration of the pipes, the absence of options for distribution, the lack of pressure and the few alternatives for storage affect the communities.

A white water distribution system in poor condition favors the appearance of pollutants, which end up making the inhabitants of the region sick.

Some resources and initiatives that are used to bring water to remote locations include the following:

  • Carry out investment plans to improve the infrastructure for the distribution and pumping of drinking water.
  • Build water treatment plants in different parts of the region in order to reach the most remote populations.
  • Develop information protocols on the sanitation of water sources in areas of difficult access.
  • Report on the recycling of wastewater for agricultural use, sanitation plants are sources of water for irrigation and cleaning of spaces for animal coexistence.
  • Facilitate access to filtering and disinfection treatments so that the water is drinkable and suitable for consumption, something essential when it must be stored for a long time.
  • Protect reservoirs and recover freshwater ecosystems, maintain cleanliness and avoid the accumulation of polluting substances.
  • Use alternative water sources, which collect the vital liquid obtained from dew, rain and fog.
  • Condensation traps can be installed, which are systems that serve to obtain and store the liquid that is produced when there is a humid and rainy climate.
  • Install mechanical systems for the extraction of water from underground sources. Wells can be dug to reach freshwater reserves and a pumping system can be adapted to bring it to the surface.

If you are interested in learning more about the implementation of new technologies and ingenious systems to improve the quality of life in the poorest countries of our planet, we invite you to continue reading other content that is already available on the blog.

New technologies to produce electrical energy

New technologies to produce electrical energy tend to affect people’s lives and the balance of ecosystems in various ways. Not all technologies for generating electricity are environmentally friendly, which is important to consider when studying the energy requirements of a region or country.

What does it mean to produce or generate energy?

Before going into the subject and addressing the new technologies to generate electrical energy, it is convenient to clarify the current meaning of producing or generating energy. In this sense, it will be said that, in simple terms, producing energy consists of transforming primary energy (for example, hydraulic, thermal, wind, nuclear, among others) into electrical energy, through the use of technology.

Technologies to produce electrical energy

Technology is essential in the generation or production of energy, particularly electricity, it also has characteristics and associated costs that allow us to elucidate its viability. Some of the technologies for the production of electrical energy are the following:

Combined cycle power plants

In this type of complex, electrical energy is obtained through two processes: the first, through the gas turbine and the second, through the steam turbine, all this through the use of thermal energy from natural gas .

This type of technology is quite efficient, and best of all, it does not generate high levels of contamination. However, it has an element against it, that is, the clear dependence on natural gas, although it is highly reliable as a source of electrical energy.


It is a technology that is provided with the ability to produce electricity and thermal energy simultaneously. Due to their high performance, they are low-polluting processes, derived basically from the reduced dependence on fuels, fossil or not.

Wind generation

Wind technology is gaining a lot of popularity around the world because it is considered a “clean energy”. Here the electrical energy is obtained from the kinetic energy of the wind; for this, wind turbines or wind farms are installed.

Solar generation

The use of solar energy to produce electricity has two aspects. The first is photovoltaic solar technology, in which electrical energy is obtained through the use of solar cells, made of semi-conductive materials.

The second is thermoelectric solar technology, where electrical energy is obtained through the heating of a fluid.

Following one or another modality, it is possible to generate electricity without producing pollution, but the costs associated with the infrastructure required for commissioning are extremely high.


This type of technology is similar to common thermal power plants, however, the fuel used is organic, that is, derived from forest and agricultural remains, residues from the wood industry, energy crops, among others, in a few words; it is about obtaining energy from the biomass available in a region.

Sea energies

The sea and the oceans are natural reservoirs of energy on a large scale, from this derives the existence of different technologies that transform the energies of the sea into electricity.

Within this vast group of energies the following are included: tidal or tidal energy, current energy, tidal wave energy, wave or wave energy, and blue energy or osmotic power.


The technology to obtain electrical energy that underlies the bowels of the Earth is what is known as geothermal energy. It is an invaluable resource and source of renewable energy. It is still in the study phase, but it may become the most appropriate alternative to the increase in energy demands, especially electricity, without causing significant damage to the environment.

All these are important advances in energy production, however it is expected that in the coming years the scope will be expanded with the implementation of better technologies and adaptations applied to these same mechanisms, so that this resource is available in all parts of the world.